Luca Ripanti

Luca Ripanti graduated in flute at the Alessandria Conservatoire, later attending several prestigious international masterclasses. In 1995, following many years of flute teaching and collaborations with several chamber groups and both symphonic and operatic orchestras, he took up the baroque flute attending the International Summer Courses for Harpsichord in Oporto for four seasons, thanks to a EU scholarship. Since then, he has performed over 300 concerts as a baroque flute player (soloist, chamber ensembles or period instruments orchestras) in Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and Tunisia, working with conductors such as Simon Preston, Pál Németh, Frieder Bernius, Ottavio Dantone, Robert King and Jean-Claude Malgoire. He is principal flute of the period instrument orchestra "Accademia del Santo Spirito" based in Turin. He has recorded two CDs with works by G.P. Telemann, J. Kuhnau and J.S. Bach, and another one with the four Bach authentic Flute Sonatas and Partita. Luca Ripanti edited and published his Italian translation from English, German and French of the following works: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Principles of Orchestration, Rugginenti, Milano, 1986; Johann Joachim Quantz, Versuch einer Anweisung die Floete traversiere zu spielen Rugginenti, Milano, 1992; Arnold Dolmetsch, The Interpretation of the Music of the XVII and XVIII Centuries, Rugginenti,Milano, 1994; The three Treatises on the violin by Francesco Saverio Geminiani, Rugginenti, Milano, 1997; Yehudi Menuhin, Six Lessons on the Violin. Rugginenti, Milano, 2010; Leopold Mozart, Versuch einer gründlichen Violinschule. Edizioni Prhomos, Perugia, 2012. (See "Books" section).
In 2006 he started restoring ancient flutes of the XVIII and XIX Centuries. Ten years later he begun his researches on flute making and started building his own copies of baroque instruments.